Few facts about Doberman:
Doberman is named after the man Karl Doberman. He created this breed in 1890 in Germany. They are a mixture of many breeds: German Pinscher, Weimaraner, German Shephard, Rottweiler, Greyhound and Manchester Terrier. Dobermanns are ranked as the 5th smartest dogs according to the Intelligence of Dogs. They are sensitive to cold weather and enjoy indoor activities during winters. They live around 13 years of age and they socialize with everyone if adequately trained. Dobermans are very energetic and like rigorous exercise, so you need to take care of them accordingly. First, one has to understand their nature, then train them. This way, it will be easier for the owner and the Doberman to understand each other.
Doberman’s are considered to be ferocious and extremely aggressive animals. Dobies were mostly used as police dogs, war dogs and defense dogsand were not thought of as companions or pets. They are incredibly loyal and defend their owners from attackers. So, to make them pets, this behavior was toned down by breeding them with other docile breeds, which helped a lot. This new breed is considered fearless, loyal, obedient, and energetic.
Dobermans require attention and have a natural desire to please their owner. They like to get directions and will follow your every demand. But if not given the attention, they feel alone, and due to this, their behavior changes, which includes barking and biting in extreme cases. To avoid separation anxiety and restlessness, it is better to train your Doberman and keep on with this practice.
Motivating Dobermann
Fortunately, Dobermans prefer to get trained and follow every direction of the owner. Unlike other dogs, you do not have to force them to listen to you. This is very advantageous for us Doberman owners. But doing anything requires hard work and a bit of motivation. So, the first thing necessary for training your Doberman is the motivation factor. You have to encourage them to listen to you. Just think of it as motivating your child to listen to you. First, you encourage them, praise them, and understand and do what you want them to do. When they complete the task, reward them, and your facial expression of happiness will make them do more for you. Steps one should follow in motivating their Dobermans include:
- Lots of Praise: Unlike humans, dogs cannot understand your words, but they understand your expressions. But using nice and gentle words helps them do better. You can smile, clap, or pat their back, say words like a good boy, good girl; you are the best, etc. This will satisfy them as they understand human words through emotions and facial expressions.
- Rewards: It is natural that if you like something a person did, give him or her a gift. While working better at the office, we also get bonuses. Similarly, when your pet does as they are told, it is better to reward them by giving them healthy and delicious treats. Check out these organic dog treats (Amazon Link) for your Dobermann. You can watch also this great article about having fun and playing with your Doberman Pinscher
- Enthusiasm: All the pets want to feel they have your full attention. They look at your face and try to comprehend your feelings. Please make sure you are excited to train them, and this will encourage them to learn more.
- Please do not be harsh: Whether be it physical or verbal, you are not supposed to be harsh on your pet. This will make the dog scared, and they will not look forward to the time you train them. Initially, everyone makes a mistake, so you better be friendly and understand when your pet does not get what you are trying to say. Although it is not the case with Dobermanns, as they are intelligent and get what you ask them to do, but you still need to be in a lighter mood for their training. Make this training session as fun as possible.
- Take them out: Dobermans prefer outdoor activities as they are very energetic. So, when training to listen to you, you can take them outside on the lawn and teach them. Meanwhile, you as well will enjoy the fresh air.
Maintain trust and motivate them to do better and better. You can work further on what motivates the dog to get trained.

Use of Gestures
Your pet needs to learn about your every command, whether verbal or hand signal. So, in the beginning, you will have to hold the treat in your hand. This way, your pet’s eyes will be on the reward. Over time, you can quit the treat, and your pet will become habitual of hand gestures. But you have to train your dog daily so that he will remember the commands; otherwise, it will be difficult for him. Make sure to use simple hand signals that you will remember; otherwise, you may forget which gesture is for which purpose.
- One Finger Point to Eye – Watch me.
This step is important if you want your pet to look at you and understand rather than a verbal conversation. For your pet to learn, they need to look at you with full attention.
- Open Hand Palm Up – Sit.
It is a relatively easy gesture, have your hand palm facing the sky at your chest and move your hand in a downward motion. At first, it is better to say the word “sit” so your pet will understand quickly.
- Finger Point Down – Lie down.
This command’s action is to hold your finger pointed up and make a sweeping diagonal motion down. It is better to hold the treat in your hand, so the dog’s nose follows it.
- Open Hand Palm Forward – Stay.
This command is essential for busy streets and in public for the dog’s safety. All you have to do is keep your palm in front of his face and say, “stay.” In the beginning, you will have to say the words, but later they will get used to it.
- Hand Diagonally Across Chest – Come.
This command is useful in public areas and when your pet is unleashed. You have to hold your hand facing palm up and move it towards your torso. As above, you will have to say the word “come” at the start, then your pet will follow the routine.
Potty Training
It can be a tough thing to do, but you have to be patient. So, it is better to start training your dog when he is eight weeks of age or if the dog is old, start the training from the very first day he comes to your house. Accidents can happen, but you have to control your temper. You will have to use verbal commands for this training and make a consistent spot for their potty training. When they get used to a particular spot, make them potty at different spots like when you go for a trip. One can also use portable potty trainers (Amazon Link) for their convenience. Train your pet to potty at your command, such as when you say “go potty,” he should be able to do that. Following are some steps to train your Doberman.
- Develop a routine for your pet like in the morning after getting up, after naps, meals, bedtime, etc. During the day, take him out after every hour.
- Make a permanent spot for him in your house.
- When the Dobermann goes to potty himself, praise him, and reward him. This appreciation will prove to be useful in the upcoming years.
- If he accidentally relieves himself in another spot, quickly pick him up and move him to the right spot. This way, he will understand his mistake and not repeat that.
If you bring a Dobermann puppy in your house, you will have to understand that potty training is not easy for the first year. You will have to be on your toes for the first year. But later, your training will do wonders as Dobermann are quick learning dogs.
It is not pleasant when your dog starts to bark, but you have no idea what is causing this trouble. So, you have to have a keen eye on this situation and look for why it is causing unease in the dog. Make sure that that reason does not happen again. Here are the things you can do to eliminate this problem.
- Look for the cause of barking. It is not only when the dog meets strangers; it can happen because of hunger, thirst, or separation anxiety.
- Try to eliminate the reason, which is making them bark.
- Then make him practice by putting him in situations due to which he will bark. Maybe bring a new person to the house and then correct him by asking him to be silent. Gradually he will learn.
- Test him again and again. Reward him when he completely quits this habit. But he should be able to understand the difference between a guest and a robber. For this, you have to guide him on how to behave in simultaneous situations.
So always be consistent even if you have to work more when you do not want to and enforce the rules even though you want a nice quick walk with your dog. Look at consistently training your Doberman as an investment in a future with a Doberman who is easy to live with.
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